trackmyscrores respects your privacy. We will not release your private information or information that can identify you as an individual to any third party or partner. We do periodically mine anonymous statistical information that can be made available to third parties and our partners.

Any information you provide on the trackmyscrores site will be held with the utmost care, and will not be used in ways that you have not consented to. A more detailed explanation about how we safeguard your personal information is described below. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Resale or Disclosure of Information to Third Parties

trackmyscores does not sell, rent, loan, trade or lease any personal information collected on its site, including membership forums and email lists, unless contact has been requested during information submission. On occasion, trackmyscores does sell, rent, loan, trade or lease anonymous information collected on its site. We think this reflects best practices in the industry and welcome your feedback.

Browser Information Collected on the Website

trackmyscores analyzes its website logs to continually re-evaluate the site contents to better meet client needs. The logs do not allow the identification of any personal details. Our server also records IP addresses of visitors to our site. An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer when you use the Internet. We use IP addresses to identify document signors, analyze trends, track user movement, and gather broad statistics. The IP addresses of signors are disclosed on the signature certificates of documents on trackmyscores.

Use of Cookies

trackmyscores uses cookies to simplify user login and account management. These cookies will not be sold, rented, loaned, or otherwise disclosed.